Agasieva Anna
Hello i"m Anna and I started painting at the age of five. Then no one took this hobby seriously. Already at the age of 14, I studied academic drawing, the construction of the head and geometric shapes, I began to draw portraits, but those around me insisted that being an artist was not prestigious. Over the years I have been studying painting with teachers, reading literature and experimenting.
Today I want to tell you in the language of colors how I see this world. I"m sure you will feel!
- Город: Саратов
- Всероссийская премия искусств
- Арт-портрет. Международная Выставка.
- Золотая Медаль Архипа Куинджи
- Медаль Саврасова
- лаурет Всероссийской премии искусств
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